Rising Star Academy strives to develop an enriched learning community by providing an inclusive and secure environment. We aim to promote student well-being in order to build and maintain a generation of leaders through faith, academic excellence, leadership, and Islamic values.
Rising Star Academy will be a nurturing, safe and professional environment that supports the educational success and social, emotional, and physical development of all students while nourishing a strong Muslim character. Courses will be academic, engaging, and standards-based, with a focus on the learner. All school staff will be highly qualified and caring instructors who are attentive to the educational, cultural and physical needs of students and the RSA community. Parents will be positive, supporting members of the school community. Students will be respectful, self-disciplined, productive citizens who think critically, make informed decisions and act ethically. RSA will educate, empower, and enable all students to become caring, contributing citizens who can succeed in an ever-changing world. Rising Star Academy is committed to focusing on high expectations, individual academic success, strengthening the Muslim identity and creating a community of respect and responsibility.